PokeBot Commands and Help Contents

This is the right place to get more information on the bot.

Thanks for using PokeBot! If you find any bugs or errors, please report an issue on our GitHub!

Now that PokeBot is a public bot, we are making this page so that you can see extra details on bot commands, and what they do.

Command List and Description [Prefix: p:]


  • 8ball [...question] - Randomly picks an answer to your question
  • balance - Show your balance
  • cureboredom - Lists ways to cure your boredom.
  • findmyphone - List cities where your phone may be located.
  • gamble - Basically gambling...
  • jobs - You get to work and earn some credits.
  • og151 - Randomly picks one of the original 151 Pokemon, and gives you it's name.
  • ship - Ships you with another person in the guild.
  • slots - Gain money by playing Slots!
  • story - Tells you a story, and includes community members in them!

Getting Started

  • contibute - Links you to the Git so you can contribute to the bot.
  • help - Shows the command contents in Discord.
  • ping - Tells the client pingtime of the bot, and shows if it is responding.
  • (PokeWorld) start - Shows getting started information for PokeWorld.


  • ban [@user, reason] - Bans a user for the specified reason.
  • (PokeWorld) interrogate [@user] - Place a suspicious user in interrogation.
  • (PokeWorld) jail [@user] - Place a user in jail for being bad.
  • kick [@user, reason] - Kicks a user for the specified reason.
  • lswarns - List the warns that have been placed on you.
  • purge [number] - Remove a specified amount of messages from the guild.
  • setLogs [channel id] - Sets the preferred channel to send log messages in.
  • setSuggestions [channel id] - Set's the Suggestions Channel.
  • softban [@user, reason] - Kicks the user for the specified reason, then deletes the messages they sent.
  • (PokeWorld) timeout [@user] - Mutes the user.
  • warn [@user, reason] - Warns a user for the specified reason. This gets recorded in the database.

Music (Deprecated for now)

  • play [song name] - Plays the song in the voice channel you are currently present in.
  • skip - Skips the current song being played in the queue.

Owners Only

  • eval [code] - Evaluates JavaScript code.
  • poweroff - Restarts the bot.
  • say [message] - Makes the bot say something.

Pokemon (All Commands PokeWorld exclusive.)

  • claim - Claims the current gym if empty, or queues the battle.
  • drop - Drops your current gym.
  • forcedrop - Forces the person to drop their gyms. (mod only)
  • join [team name] - Joins a Pokemon team!
  • leave - Leaves your current Pokemon team.
  • lsitem [pokemon]|[credits]|[other] - List an item to the marketplace.
  • tradegym [@user] - Gives your gym to the mentioned user.


  • character [...text] - Gets the decimal and hexadecimal of (a) character(s)
  • hinfo - Server host information.
  • invite - Gives the user a link to invite the bot.
  • nick [nickname] - Changes your nickname to the args specified.
  • suggest [suggestion] - Suggest something to the community moderators for the server. They can accept it or decline it, and community members can vote.
  • uptime - View how long the bot has been online.
  • userinfo [Optional: @user] - View your user information, or that of another user.