PokéWorld: Returning 11/1/2019

1 minute read

For those who have been involved in the past, hopefully you will enjoy what we are deciding to do with the once dead project.

For those who are new, we hope you enjoy what we have created in the past and will continue to follow us through our improvements to this project.

Some may not know the backstory, and if you do not, you can continue reading. For those who do know, just know that we are returning full force on November 1st.


PokéWorld started as a community created by now-moderator Sylv early in 2018. The goal of this server on Discord was to be a Pokécord community who helped each other progress in the bot, and allowed for competitive play to take place. TheEdgeNK, Alee, and jtsshieh were tasked with creating a Discord bot that could help certain aspects of competitive play take place, such as the now-implemented gym system and work-in-progress clan system.

During this period of time, there were some disagreements between bot developers and general server staff. This provoked TheEdgeNK, Alee, and jtsshieh to make their own version of PokéWorld that would have the bot to enhance the experience of players, along with welcoming moderators and admins. Some server staff also came with them to the new server, which was called PokéWorld (very creative).

Over time, the old PokéWorld began to decline and more people started joining the new PokéWorld, which eventually rendered the old PokéWorld dead. The old staff team from PokéWorld 0.1 and PokéWorld came together and decided to adapt the two staff teams together in the new, successful server. Little controversy occurred after that, and development continued on the bot.

A decent amount of progress was made, including finishing the gym system and plans being made for clans and leagues. People were enjoying the project and then we decided to make the bot available for public use. Servers could use the moderation functions of the bot while we were still working on making certain Pokécord integrations work for all servers. Unfortunately, developers of the project hit roadblocks in real life with some family issues and overwhelming schoolwork, so the host server died. Due to this, the project was cancelled…until now.
